Where am I?
sumitsays.com is a portfolio site for my creative writing. Here you’ll find a selection of my short stories – I plan to publish new stories regularly throughout 2009 – and any other news about my writing.
And who are you?
My name is Sumit; I’m a thirtysomething Londoner and I enjoy writing stories. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them.
What kind of stories do you write?
All kinds, but the ones you’ll find on this site are mostly very short. Many would qualify as flash fiction, but some are considerably longer.
In terms of subject matter, anything’s fair game. There are stories coming up about imaginary friends, depression, talking animals, the apocalypse and much more. Some are happy, some are sad; some are angry, some are melancholy… you get the picture.
Where did the stories come from?
Each story typically took me a few hours to write. Most of them were written during Million Monkeys write-ins over the course of 2007-08. There are a few that are much older and some that took more work. The inspiration comes from all over the place. If you’re interested, check out the author’s notes that I post in the comments section of each story.
Have any of your stories been published?
I haven’t really tried to get my fiction published to date, but that’s one of my resolutions for 2010.
Why are you doing this?
For fun, basically.
Are you writing a novel?
Isn’t everyone? In practice, I don’t have enough time. Or perhaps enough dedication.
How can I contact you?
You can send email to [hello] at [this website], reach me on Twitter @sumitsays or post in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!